
Ditch Being Tired and Hangry:

The 5 Mistakes Nearly Every Diet is Making, and How to Create a Naturally Thin and Energized Lifestyle Instead

For those who are tired of the yo-yo dieting cycle with little to no results, and are ready to shift to a lifetime of weight wellness that’s automatic.

Shouldn’t getting to a healthier weight actually FEEL healthier? More rested, more consistent energy, more capable and focused…

I thought so.

What’s the point of going through all that misery only to have our skinny jeans fit again for about a week before the pounds grow right back on?

I kept struggling to fight back my creeping weight and resulting fatigue. I saw what my friends were going through to do the same. I started to give up… then I got pissed…

I was going to crack this riddle:

“How do I look healthier, FEEL healthier, and stay that way?”

“How do I get to a healthier weight without all the misery?”

I spent over 300 hours researching the latest health, weight, and behavior change science only to realize most of what we “know” about dieting ended up being completely wrong.

Not just wrong but harmful to our health and weight goals.

Join me, Dr. Hammerstedt on this FREE training, plus get my bonus Weight Wellness™ Quick Guide AND Trader Joe’s shopping checklist just for attending.

Simply click below and choose a date:

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See why these diets are causing our bodies and minds to fight against us, and how we can adopt a naturally thin, healthy, and energized lifestyle.

I’ll show you what I uncovered like…


How we can achieve our weight goals and FEEL healthier while doing it... and stop depriving and starving our way to weight loss.

Choose YOU instead, and concentrate on what your amazing body needs to function at it’s best ability to serve YOU, while ROCKING those skinny jeans.


The methods I used to take back control...

Shifting my thinking, choosing my own path, structuring my choices so they are automatic, eating real and delicious food, and getting back in control of my body and my food choices.


Why we get stuck in our weight.

See why it’s not a lack of willpower, but our hormones are making us reach for that chip. How our body is confused and making us hungry. And what we can do to get out of this cycle.


Why all that exercise is not helping, and can actually be triggering weight GAIN.

This was my biggest eye-opener! We’ll go over what kinds of exercise contributes to gaining weight, which kinds can help us lose weight, and why it’s okay to not worry about exercise at all.


Why calorie counting is a waste of time, and can sabotage success.

Calories in do not equal calories out. It isn’t that simple, nothing is. I’ll show you why and what matters instead, based on modern science.


Learn how we can unmask our hungers, and the "metacognition" (mindset) practices that help us stop impulsively eating.

When the hungers strike, we can shift how we feel and what we choose to do about it… instead of immediately scarfing down that plate of cookies. I’ll show you how it works.


The scientific reasons why our body wants to keep being lazy and keep being fed glucose, instead of burning our stored fuel instead.

I’ll show you how we can trigger the switch out of this default state our metabolism wants to stay in… to one that cycles into using it’s own stored energy in our fat cells and liver.

Plus, I’m going to share stories of those who’ve used this approach to lose weight, maintain weight wellness, and get all the thin and energized lifestyle side benefits.

Brandon, at age 42, having tried every diet in the book, and already running 5-7 miles 5 times a week, found herself frustrated, ashamed, tired, and giving up. And dropped her excess weight, started sleeping better, and was able to get back fully into her passion of backcountry skiing.

Nancy, at 62, obsessively stuffed herself with carb-laden foods every afternoon to get by, and felt terrible about it every time she did. In 2 weeks she had control again, and by 4 weeks was wanting to exercise again and already found her pants looser.

Cathy, a dietician, a personal trainer, and a marathoner, thought she ”knew what to do.” But had her blood sugar dropping every couple of hours, and had to eat reflexively just to keep going. She was able shift it entirely and go 7-8 hours between meals, feeling full, with no crashes, better mood, and stopped obsessing about food. Plus, she was sleeping better!

Katie had two kids and was an emergency nurse. Hungry all the time, weight continuously creeping up, and worrying about keeping up with her kids or getting on the bike… she tried all of the diets with no long term success. Katie dropped her weight and just sent me a link to her new favorite High Intensity Training workout app. I don’t think she’s having trouble keeping up anymore!

Join this FREE training with Dr. Heather Hammerstedt:

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It simply doesn’t make sense to torture ourselves to our perfect body for the rest of our life.

And I don’t know about you, but it hasn’t worked for me anyway.

Especially when my life get’s stressful.

Shouldn’t getting to a healthier weight actually FEEL healthier?

Shouldn’t it be a natural part of our lives instead of this artificial regimen we put ourselves through periodically?

Weight wellness is more than just losing weight, but having consistent energy, better sleep, and a lifetime change… instead of a 30 day one.

We want a lifestyle shift we want to continue.

We want to make the healthy decisions we want to more naturally and automatic.

And we want to know that what we’re putting so much effort into actually works longer than a couple weeks when we go back to our “normal” lives.


I hope some of this is resonating with you because I want to show you what I learned between these artificially restrictive diets and an empowered, naturally thin and energized lifestyle.


It starts with understanding why those past diets don’t work, and why it’s not our own fault or some personal failure.

This is important because we have to be able to forgive ourselves and move on to something better. Something that isn’t a total slog to get through, that actually works, and that doesn’t fall apart the second it hits our normal lives filled with kids/grandkids, stress, jobs, travel, and constant temptations.


Then we need to understand how to finally work with our body’s own weight system that wants nothing more than to have us fit & healthy.

Going hungry and having energy or mood swings, are just signals for our bodies to go into freak out mode. Because our body’s primary drive is to survive, and these are signs that trigger our defenses. And when our bodies are defensive, it stores extra energy in the form of fat, and changes our hormones and metabolism, which all trigger our minds to go into more hunger and cravings as well.


Next, we need to see how we can rewire our brain and body to that of a naturally thin and healthy lifestyle – so it becomes automatic and natural.

It’s not enough to know what we need to do, we actually need to integrate it seamlessly into our crazy, hectic lives. And to shift our mindsets, cravings, choices and more so we aren’t relying exclusively on willpower and grit every day of our lives.

Grab your spot and discover “The Naturally Thin and Energized Lifestyle”…
I’ll see you there:

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