Permanent Results for Those in
Mid-Life and Beyond!
12 Weeks to Your Slimmest, Healthiest, Most “Amazing-Feeling” Self – Holistically and Sustainably, with a Physician Developed, Evidence-Based System of Weight and Health Transformation
Physician developed Weight Wellness™ empowers you with a step-by-step, evidence-based process for rewiring your mind and body for sustained optimal health and a body you love without yo-yoing on diet after diet.
Discover our entire approach to life-long weight loss, health, and energy in the Weight Wellness™ Blueprint:
The Thought of Another Diet was Depressing the Heck out of Me…
As I reached mid-life, I was tired of the creeping weight and hopeless cycle of yo-yo dieting, and the “sugar fiend” sabotaging me every time.
The cravings, the hunger, the restrictions, the emotional eating…
Willpower crumbling as we walk by the goodie table, or hit the afternoon lull, or the stress cranks up to ‘11’. And blaming it all on ourselves, making us feel a little smaller every time.
Truth is:
We battle a body and mind that seems bent on subverting every effort to change. Especially as we reach mid-life and beyond.
So I set out to change it… for good. No matter your age!
Start Walking Right by the Goodie Table… and Bee-lining for the Healthy, Whole Foods with Ease
The key is to align your biology, psychology, and lifestyle so you don’t need willpower anymore. While eating real, delicious food that satisfies you and your body’s needs without restriction and self-deprivation.
Your healthy choices become automatic.
Counting calories or macros are no longer necessary.
And your body supports your healthy eating naturally, instead of undermining it with cravings, hunger, and stalling your metabolism.
It’s not only possible, it’s what we do every day with our clients who’ve struggled for years with yo-yo dieting and stubborn, creeping weight gain. (especially as they age)

Get the Personalized Help You Need… Starting with a Free Weight Wellness™ Breakthrough Strategy Call:

I feel like there weren’t options that I had even come across that looked at your whole body and all of the different components of what goes into it. And isn’t restrictive because it’s really tailored to each person.
— Liz, Super busy mom and career
The Secret to the Success of the Weight Wellness™ Approach
The very things diets ignore, but that sabotage every attempt at weight loss and better health

1. Biology
Resolve the “Hormone Dysregulation” that Stoke Cravings and Hunger, and Revive Your Fat-Burning Metabolism
These out-of-whack hormones chemically trigger our brains to ‘crave’ and make us constantly hungry. They also keep us in carb craving mode instead of switching to fat-burning metabolism. Diets only aggravate the problem.

2. Psychology
Resolve Food Triggers and Emotional Eating while Creating Supportive Habits and Mindsets for Life-long Results
Willpower never works and “Resist and Restrict” dieting only amplifies them. Instead, we crush those cravings and triggers at the source, create supportive habits and thought patterns, and rewire our brains for lasting change.

3. Lifestyle
Lifestyle Transformation System™: The Process of Permanent Results and Sustaining the “New You” for Life
Lasting change doesn’t happen with just a few new habits and a food plan. It’s a system of change that requires integrating mind, body, environment, positive reinforcement, and deep coaching support.
We call it the Lifestyle Transformation System™, bringing everything together for lasting change in a lifestyle you actually love.
Guided by Expert Weight AND Mindset Coaches Every Step of the Way
Our Weight Wellness™ expert coaches guide you through the entire 12 week process, while providing the personalized support you need to overcome even the stickiest challenges.
And our mindset coaches take it to another level by focusing on the psychological blocks, triggers, and emotional eating keeping you stuck.
Access a Complete Program with Daily Support
The Weight Wellness™ core program is delivered in daily, bite-size pieces you can listen to anywhere as mini-podcasts. You also get supportive messages throughout the day, lifetime access in our client portal, and additional resources and tools.
In combination with your coaches, it guides you through every step of this program, while keeping you moving forward every day.

Break Through Your Biggest Weight Loss Roadblocks by Speaking with a Weight Wellness™ Strategist:
What Our Clients are Saying About Their New Weight Wellness™ Lifestyle
“The other programs that I’d done before just had a single focus of nutrition… They didn’t take all of the elements of what goes into hunger and weight loss and the psychology… and putting it together. That made the biggest difference for me – a complete package that I could understand.”
—Gretchen, age 45, immediately started to lose weight
“I feel that strongly that this is a well balanced, meaningful, realistic way to approach whatever your food and weight loss issues are. Because it does come in through mind, science, emotion, body orientation, and you can come in however you want.”
– Debbie, struggled with weight since she was a kid
Weight Wellness™ Resources to Get You Started

Curate Your Health Podcast

The Weight Wellness™ Blueprint

Curate Your Health Facebook Group
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Want to lose weight faster? Check out this ultimate guide to your metabolism, learn exactly what it is, how to improve it – and most importantly, how it can help you achieve your weight loss goals.
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