Dr. Navina Mehta is physician in South Carolina, specializing in sleep medicine. She is an internal medicine doctor who completed a sleep fellowship at the University of Missouri. You can follow Dr. Mehta on Instagram @greenvillesleepdoc and http://southeastregionalsleep.com/. You can also read more about Dr Navina Mehta on www.wholisthealth.com as one of our network experts and practitioners.


We often discount how important sleep is for our mood, cognition, weight, mental wellness, metabolism, and overall health. The average adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep to adequately perform during the day, and today Dr. Mihna dives into how sleep impacts each of these topics and why it’s so important to get enough quality sleep every night!


And as always, Who you choose to be Matters. You are valuable, You are worth this, You are your WholeYou!