Dr. Beverly Reader is a board certified psychiatrist currently in private integrative psychiatry practice in Redondo Beach CA. She’s Georgetown trained where she specialized in women’s reproductive mental health. Now, she concentrates on patients who need help balancing their mental health through work within science, medicine, psychology, and spirituality.


We all deserve to live happy joyful lives where we experience who we really are and what we came here to be.The biggest misconception about mental health is that it isn’t important, or that it’s a luxury. The health of our minds is the core of what we show up as in the world. Today, we dive into what “mental health” really means. Dr. Reader explains the importance of caring for ourselves mentally and how she helps her patients maximize their own personal mental wellness.


You can find you can find Dr. Beverly Reader at www.beverlyareadermd.com.


And remember, Who you choose to be Matters. You are valuable, You are worth this, You are your WholeYou.