Kristen Burris, L.Ac, is a nationally recognized acupuncturist and herbalist for women’s health in the Boise, Idaho area. She has a Master’s of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is a licensed acupuncturist. Ms. Burris has treated patients at San Diego Hospice, University of California San Diego Integrative Clinic, UCSD Dental Acupuncture Study, and at the leading fertility centers in San Diego. Patients fondly refer to her as the “Baby Maker” for her unprecedented over 500 infertility successes treating extremely difficult infertility cases with patients locally and those who consult long distance throughout the U.S. You can find Kristen at, on Facebook @Eagleacupuncture, or Instagram @EagleBabyMaker
Today, Kristen talks about what TCM is and the training and credentialing behind it. There have been studies done showing that acupuncture can be more effective than morphine for some kinds of pain, but Kristen also dives into other diseases that have been successfully treated and managed with acupuncture.
We also talk about herbalism and how we know who to trust when it comes to getting advice on herbs. Kristen talks about some common and safe herbal treatments that you can use.
Who you choose to be Matters. You are valuable, You are worth this, You are your WholeYou.