Dr. Krystal Sodaitis is here to discuss Our Primitive Brain, Planning, and Rebellion. There seems to be so much resistance to planning, whether it be exercise, self-care, or simply reading a book. Planning is scientifically based. There are two main parts of our brain—the one that sets long term goals and the one that protects us. These two parts of our brains are frequently at odds when it comes to planning and goals around food. (For example, our primitive brain wants us to eat more frequently while the pre-frontal cortex brain says it’s okay to do some intermittent fasting.) How do we train ourselves to listen to the side of our brains that are in line with our long-term goals? Krystal will help raise our awareness regarding this topic and discuss ways to make this happen.


Dr Sodaitis is a board-certified pediatrician, wife, mother, life and weight coach (certified through The Life Coach School), healthcare executive, lifelong learner and yo-yo dieter in recovery. She transitioned from academic medicine to working for a health insurance company in 2013. She has held both clinical and nonclinical leadership positions and can relate to the different lifestyle challenges working from home versus working at a hospital or clinic setting can bring. Dr Sodaitis can be found on Facebook @krystalsodaitis and on her website at https://lifecoachingforgifted.com/.


Dr. Hammerstedt and her lifestyle coaching team can be found at www.wholisthealth.com and @wholisthealth on Facebook and Instagram as well as the public Facebook group Curate Your Health. Wholist helps high performing women and men lose weight for the last time, with an innovative food and mindset coaching program to blueprint YOUR optimal body and mind, with real food, real work, real results… and no products or BS. Come curate YOUR sustainable health future, and personal and professional dynasty.


And remember, Who you choose to be Matters. You are valuable, You are worth this, You are your WholeYou.